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West Grand Board of Education

20 days ago

West Grand Board of Education
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
715 Kinsey Avenue, Kremmling, CO 80459
6:00pm-6:30pm Work Session
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. August Quote:
    "But I will tell you that what you have does not define what you can become. Why not you!"
    Noah Lyles
  5. Review and Approve Agenda
  6. Excellence In Education: Meet & Welcome New Staff
  7. Routine Items
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. June 11, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
      2. June 25, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes
    2. Reports
      1. District
        1. Directors Reports
        2. Kicking off the 2024-2025 School Year
      2. Board Reports
  8. Public Address
  9. Consent Agenda
    1. Employment
      1. Resignation
        1. High School Counselor - Mark Fitzwater
        2. High School Cross Country Assistant Coach- Chelsea Gaines
      2. Contracts
        1. First Grade Teacher - Marijose Marquez
        2. Middle School Math Teacher - Noel Balaba
      3. Notice of Assignments
        1. District Admin Assistant - Lacey Paeglow
        2. WGECC Care Teacher - Caroline Apointe
        3. Middle School Head Cross Country Coach - Jake Wyatt
        4. High School Cross Country Assistant Coach - Brayden James
  10. Action Items
    1. Old Business
      1. None
    2. New Business
      1. Approval of 2024-2025 Handbooks
        1. Student Handbook
        2. Activity/Athletic Coaches/Sponsors Handbook
        3. WGSD Employee Handbook
        4. WGECC Parent Handbook
        5. WGECC Employee Handbook
      2. Continue to opt-in to the Health Meals for All program
      3. Signature Cards
      4. Wind Fence purchase
  11. Items for Next Agenda
  12. Executive Session
  13. Adjourn