
West Grand School District

Committed to Excellence in Education

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Events & Meetings

West Grand Board of Education

West Grand Board of Education
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
715 Kinsey Avenue, Kremmling, CO 80459
6:30 pm
6:00-6:30pm Work Session
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. January Quote:
    "There are better things ahead than any we leave behind."
    C.S. Lewis
  5. Review and Approve Agenda
  6. Excellence in Education
    1. High School Cross Country Coaches: Ryan Tripicchio and Brayden James
      Athletes: Dean Ratcliff and Teaari Luna
    2. High School Cheer/Spirit Team Coach: Crystal Ratcliff
      Athletes: Sara Lechman, Joseline Lopez, Lillyana Wutz, Marina Gonzalez, Lena Harms, Lexi Heid, Addy Pedersen, Quincey Harms, Amara Miranda, Sonya Wutz
  7. Routine Items
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. December 11, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
      2. January 14, 2025 Special Meeting Minutes
    2. Reports
      1. District
        1. FY24 Audit Presentation: McMahan and Associates, LLC
        2. Patient Care Technicians (PCT) class presentation
      2. Board Reports
        1. None
  8. Public Address
  9. Consent Agenda
    1. Resignation
      1. Gurdayal Singh - HS Math Teacher
      2. Noel Balaba - MS Math Teacher
    2. Extra Curricular Notice of Assignment
      1. Kandi Kaeding - READ Act Coordinator
      2. Haley Weimer - MS Head Volleyball Coach
    3. Notice of Assignment
      1. Raley Shaffer - WGECC Teacher
  10. Action Items
    1. Old Business
      1. None
    2. New Business
      1. FY24 Audit Approval
      2. FY25 Budget Revisions
      3. Discussion: Superintendent Evaluation Plan
      4. Single Read Policies as presented
        1. AC-R-3 - Sex-based Harassment Investigation Procedures
        2. GBA - Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity
        3. GBJ - Personnel Records and Files
        4. GCE-GCF - Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring
        5. GDE-GDF - Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring
        6. JB - Equal Employment Opportunities
        7. JF - Admission and Denial of Admission
        8. JICA - Student Dress Code
        9. JICDD - Violent/Aggressive Behavior
        10. JICDE - Bullying Prevention and Education
        11. JICDE-E-2 - Bullying Investigation Form
        12. JLCE - First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
        13. KDE - Crisis Management
      5. Out of State Travel - Patient Care Technicians (PCT) class
      6. Set July 2025-June 2026 BOE meeting dates and location (Policy BEDA)
      7. Retirement - Martha Schake, COO
  11. Items for Next Agenda
    1. None
  12. Executive Session
  13. Adjourn

RFP/RFQ for Facility Master Planner

West Grand RFQ.P for Facility Master Planner

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