Policies & Regulations

a year ago


This manual contains the policies of the Board of Education, the major regulations intended to implement the policy are followed with -R and certain reference or "exhibit" documents that relate to policies and/or regulations are followed by -E.

Policy development in a modern, forward-looking school system is a dynamic on-going process. New problems, issues and needs give rise to the continuing need to develop new policies or to revise existing ones.

West Grand School District #1-Jt operates according to policies established by the Board of Education. The Board, which represents the state and local community, develops policies after careful deliberation, and the school administration implements them through specific regulations and procedures. The board then appraises the effects of its policies and makes revisions as necessary.

In the interests of harmony, efficiency, uniformity of interpretation, coordination of effort, and in fairness to all concerned, the Board makes these policies available to all who are affected by its policies both on this website and in manuals distributed at all four school buildings and the administration office.

About Policies and Regulations:

Generally, the role of a board of education is to set policy and the role of the administration is to implement it through regulations. Here are definitions set forth which provide a distinction between these two types of statements:

Policies are principles adopted by the Board to chart a course of action. They tell what is wanted and may include why and how much. They are broad enough to indicate a line of action to be taken by the administration in meeting a number of day after day problems; they need to be narrow enough to give the administration clear guidance.

Regulations are detailed directions developed by the administration to put policy into practice. They tell how, by whom, where and when things are to be done.

These definitions are serviceable some of the time. They reflect sound theory of governance and administration. But the real world does not always conform. For example:

State and federal governments require boards of education to make or officially approve detailed regulations and procedures in certain areas.

A board signs contracts and agreements, which may contain and interweave policies, regulations and procedural detail.

The public, staff or board members may demand that the Board itself, not the administration, establish specific regulations and procedures in certain sensitive areas.

It is the intermingling of policy and regulations in law, in contracts in adopted statements of the Board that causes trouble. Sometimes they are not easily separated. Therefore the separation of policies and regulations in the following policies follows several "rules of thumb" in addition to "basic theory":
  1. When the school district's practice in a particular area is established by law, any informational statement covering the practice is presented a "policy" - that is, it appears on a white page. (A law, of course, may be quoted or referred to in a regulation.)
  2. When the district's practice in a particular area has been established through a negotiated agreement, any statement pertaining to that practice is presented as "policy" on a white page.
  3. Where the Board has interwoven regulations with policy and where separation would do harm the meaning of both; the entire statement is presented on white pages.
  4. Where the Board has adopted rules and by-laws concerning its own organizational operating procedures, these statements appear as policy on white pages.
As long as the administration operates within the guidelines of general policy adopted by the Board, it may change regulations without prior Board approval unless Board action is required by law or unless the Board has specifically asked that a particular regulation be given Board approval. The board, of course, should be kept informed of regulations issued by the administration.

Notes on Use of this website/manual

Dates: Where possible the original date of adoption/approval/issuance appears immediately following each policy/regulation. In other instances an approximate date or revision date is used.

Legal References: Pertinent legal references are given to tell the reader where in state or federal law he/she may find certain statutes that relate to a policy. Unless otherwise noted, all references direct the reader to the Colorado Revised Statutes, as revised through the last session of legislature. Most of the statutes are included in "Colorado School Laws" published by the Colorado Department of Education. It is important to mention here that other laws and/or court decision may be applicable to a particular policy.

Cross-References: Certain policies/regulations relate to others. Cross-references are provided following many statements to help the reader find all of the related information.

Order of Precedence: Board of Education policies and regulations must be read and interpreted in the light of Colorado Revised Statutes and state regulations. Wherever inconsistencies of interpretation arise, the law and state regulations prevail.

Terminology: To avoid problems with wording, masculine pronouns used in this manual refer to both sexes.

Is the Manual Complete?

No. The manual contains all of the current written policies of the Board of Education to date. But continually, the need for putting additional policies in writing, for adopting new ones and revising old ones becomes apparent. Additionally, state law and regulations change. No matter how well conceived and well developed, a policy manual can never be 100% complete and 100% up to date.

It is the hope of the West Grand Board of Education that this collection of policies and regulations will make greater harmony and efficiency possible in all areas of school operations. This will enable the Board to devote more time to its primary duty --the development of long-range policies and planning for the future of the school system.